Star-Gazer Gallery
For your Star-gazing pleasure, click on the images below to be transported to the HubbleSite, or other sites.
It’s Out of This World!!

M101 Composite Image: Hubble Data (Green Component)
Hubble Finds Dark Matter Ring in Galaxy Cluster
8th Anniversary of Hubble’s Smash Hits
A solar flare bursts off the left limb of the sun in this image captured by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory on June 10, 2014, at 7:41 a.m. EDT. This is classified as an X2.2 flare, shown in a blend of two wavelengths of light: 171 and 131 angstroms, colorized in gold and red, respectively. Image Credit: NASA/SDO/Goddard/Wiessinger. (
Hubble Probes Interior of Tarantula Nebula
Hubble Wide Field Cam. 3 Details Star Birth in Galaxy M83
Pandora’s Cluster – Abell 2744
Active Galaxy Centaurus A